Display and Product Knowledge Alfamart
Display and Product Knowledge Alfamart
Display and Product Knowledge
1. Dua Item atau product di setiap rak
Rak 1
Sosro Teh Botol Ori 250ml
Ultramilk UHT Coklat 1000ml
Rak 2
Nutrisari America Orange
Vita Pudding Cokelat Cup 120g
Rak 3
Bimoli Minyak Goreng 1 L
Bimoli Minyak Goreng Sepesial 2l
Rak 4
Sariwangi Teh Clup Asli 25s
Energen Cokelat Bag 10s
Rak 5
Kapal Api Sepesial 65g
Abc White Coffe Instan
Rak 6
Indomie Goreng Pedas 79g
Bihunku Soto Spesial 55g
Rak 7
Zee Vanila Box350g
Merries Paint Good Skin L
Rak 8
Sweety Silver Pants M18+2
Anlene Actifit Vanila 250g
Rak 9
Bebelove 2 Box (6-12 bln) 400g
Nutribaby Royal Acti Duobio 2 (6-12
Bln) 400g
Rak 10
SGM Eksplor Soya
Presinutri + Vanila 400g
Vidoran Xmart 1+ Vanila 400g
Rak 11
SGM Eksplor 1+ Plain Box
Chil-Kid Madu (1-3th) 200g
Rak 12
Dancow 1+ Vanila Box
Datita 3+ Madu Box 400g
Rak 13
Lactamil Inisis Coklat Box 200g
Cerelac Pisang Susu Box 120g
Rak 14
Bodrex Flu dan Batuk
Rak 15
Nice Tissue Soft Pack 200s
Alfamart Roll Tissue 4s
Rak 16
Rak 16
Nexstar Cks Pineapple
Lotte Chocopie Marshmallow
KongGuan Biscuit
Monde Batter Cookies
Rak 17
Wonderland Biscuite Kelapa
Regal Marie Duo Cokelat
Rak 18
Tango Wafer Vanilla 125g
Nabati Maxi Green Tea 145g
Rak 19
Biskies Vanilla 108g
Roma Malkist Cokelat 120g
Rak 20
Hatari Biscuits Vanilla Cream 250g
Roma Kelapa 250g
Rak 21
Potabee Chips BBQ 35g
French Fries 2000 Premiu
Rak 22
Kusuka Keripik Singkong BBQ 60g
Qtela Tempe Original 55g
Rak 23
Kingkong X Bugo Nori Chi
Kacang Atom Pedas
Rak 24
Alfamrt Kacang Telur Medan Premium
Alfamart Pang-Pang Jagung Bakar 150g
Rak 25
Mintz Chewy Duomint 115g
Super Zuper Ast 143g
Rak 26
Cha-Cha Peanut Warna 35g
Beng-Beng Maxx 32g
Rak 27
Sasa Tepung Bakwan 250g
Pronas Cornetku Sapi 200g
Rak 28
Pudding Susu Rasa Strowberry
ABC Sambal Asli 135ml
Rak 29
Aqua Air Pet 750ml
Pucuk HarumTeh 500ml
Rak 30
Faber-Castel Pensil 2B
Snowmen 12 Color Spidol
Rak 31
Oishi Rin-Bee Stik Keju 70g
Happy Tos Merah 160g
Rak 32
Charm Safe Night 42cm
Softex Daun Sirih Night
Rak 33
Hit One Push Orange 10ml
Wipol Karbol Lemon 800m
Rak 34
Cussons Kids 2in1 Shampoo
Mitu baby Wipes Regular Pink 50s
Rak 35
Downy Floral Pink 800 ml
Kispray Gold 300ml
Rak 36
Molto Pure 600 ml
Vanish Cair 800ml
Rak 37
Citra HBL Sakura Fair UV 230ml
Eskulin Cologne Gel Dream
Rak 38
Korea Glow BW Yuzu 450ml
Yuri Hand Soap Strawberry 375ml
Rak 39
Pantine Shampoo Anti Lepek 340ml
Zinc Shampoo Clean Active 170ml
Rak 40
Pond’s Facial Foam Brightening
Citra Facial Foam Pearly White100g
Rak 41
Garnier Men Facial Foam Char 100ml
Casablanca EDP Aqua 100ml
Rak 42
Paseo Tissue Soft pack 25s
Alfamart Tisue 400g
Rak 43
Closeup Pg Fresh Max Green
Pepsodent PG Act 123 Herbal 190g
Rak 44
Hot Gear 3+ Pull Back
Tomica Cool Drive
Rak 45
Zwitsal Baby Powder
Johnson’s Baby Cologne
Rak 46
Mamy Poko Pants X-tra Kering
Mamy Poko Extra Soft
Rak 47
Skrineer Masker Hijab 5s
Scorlines Singlet Kaos Dalam
Rak 48
Rinso Anti Noda 430g
Easy Liquid Romantic 800ml
Rak 49
Bear Brand Original 189ml
Hydro Coco Original 250ml
Rak 50
Resik-V Godogan Sirih 100ml
Lux B Soap Soft Touch 110g
Rak 51
Sunlight Jeruk Nipis Btl 400ml
SOS Pembersih Lantai Aple 800ml
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