How to get rid of oil on your face quickly

You need to know how to get rid of oil on your face when you experience one of these annoying facial skin problems. Our body does produce oil naturally to provide moisture to the skin. However, if excessive oil production actually causes problems on the skin of the face such as blackheads and zits. For that, for those of you who have oily faces, you must know how to get rid of oil that has a face quickly.

how to remove oil on the face 

How to reduce oil on the face

To treat oily facial skin is actually not something that is difficult, considering that currently there are so many skincare products that can help overcome your skin problems. However, if the treatment is done carelessly, it might even cause the oil on the face to become increasingly out of control.

Health and beauty experts recommend using skincare products that contain glycolic acid, salicic acid, beta-hydroxy acid or benzoyl peroxide which can help treat oily skin. This content is commonly found in skincare which is used as a pimple skin treatment.

In addition to using skincare treatments, you should also do the following methods to remove oil on your face:

  • Routine cleaning of facial skin every morning and evening before going to bed. You can clean your face with a soft cleanser product so that it does not affect the condition of your oily face.
  • Use skincare products with the label "Non-comedogenic" where there is no oil content.
  • Try to always use sunscreen, especially if you are always outdoors. Sunscreen with SPF 30 is good enough to protect the face from UVA and UVB radiation which triggers excessive oil production on the face.
  • Use oil paper and stick it to an oily face for 15 to 20 seconds.
  •  Use toner or a skin mask on the face area so that the skin does not dry out.
  • Consume at least 8 glasses of water a day to naturally hydrate the skin.

 7 Ways to Get Rid of Oil in the Face Quickly

You need to know how to get rid of oil on your face when you experience one of these annoying facial skin problems. Our body does produce oil naturally to provide moisture to the skin. However, if excessive oil production actually causes problems on the skin of the face such as blackheads and zits. For that, for those of you who have oily faces, you must know how to get rid of oil that has a face quickly.

How to reduce oil on the face

To treat oily facial skin is actually not something that is difficult, considering that currently there are so many skincare products that can help overcome your skin problems. However, if the treatment is done carelessly, it might even cause the oil on the face to become increasingly out of control.

Health and beauty experts recommend using skincare products that contain glycolic acid, salicic acid, beta-hydroxy acid or benzoyl peroxide which can help treat oily skin. This content is commonly found in skincare which is used as a pimple skin treatment.

In addition to using skincare treatments, you should also do the following methods to remove oil on your face:

  • Routine cleaning of facial skin every morning and evening before going to bed. You can clean your face with a soft cleanser product so that it does not affect the condition of your oily face.
  • Use skincare products with the label "Non-comedogenic" where there is no oil content.
  • Try to always use sunscreen, especially if you are always outdoors. Sunscreen with SPF 30 is good enough to protect the face from UVA and UVB radiation which triggers excessive oil production on the face.
  • Use oil paper and stick it to an oily face for 15 to 20 seconds.
  • Use toner or a skin mask on the face area so that the skin does not dry out.
  • Consume at least 8 glasses of water a day to naturally hydrate the skin.

Special Treatment for Oily Face

How to remove oil on the face by using help from an expert or dermatologist may be a solution to get rid of facial oil quickly. There are two types of oily facial treatments offered by beauty clinics namely Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and Laser.

PDT is an oily facial treatment using a special drug that is applied to the skin of the face, then activates the LED light. The goal is to reduce the activity of sebum calenhar cells in producing oil. While laser treatment is through intense light shots to reduce oil production.

Things You Should Avoid Oily Facials

In addition to several ways to remove oil on the face as mentioned earlier, you also have to avoid things that can trigger oil production on the face. Because it's useless if you treat your face with a series of skincare but do not avoid the restrictions on oily skin. Here are some things you should avoid:

  • Avoid fatty foods, alcohol, foods high in sugar, junk food, or other types of fatty foods that can increase the production of oil glands.
  • Don't use an alcohol-based or oil-based cleanser.
  • Don't be too aggressive when cleaning your face with scrubs every day and should not hold your face aimlessly.
  • Avoid sleeping with the condition of the face still using makeup.

For owners of oily faces, you should pay special attention to your face so that it doesn't cause new problems. That is why you should know how to remove oil on the face as described above.

Thank you for visiting, hopefully it's useful :)

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