Things To Look For When Vacationing in Bali When Holidays Are Lonely

Things To Look For When Vacationing in Bali When Holidays Are Lonely

The Indonesian island of Bali, which is predominantly Hindu, will stop doing activities on Nyepi Day. If you want to spend your vacation in Bali on Nyepi Day, it's good to obey and respect some of the rules of the local population, such as the following:

1. Abstinence on Nyepi Day

When Nyepi, Hindus do four taboos which consist of observing work (not working), observing the nest (not traveling), observing geni (not lighting a fire), and observing the auction (not having fun). Even if you are a tourist who is on vacation, you still have to respect this rule.

2. Time for implementing Nyepi

Nyepi lasts 24 hours from sunrise or usually starts at 6:00 a.m. The payment date was completed at 6:00 the next morning.

3. Buy transportation tickets before or after Nyepi

There are no airports, ports and terminals operating at Nyepi. So set your arrival and return schedule carefully.

4. Do not leave the inn

Do not carelessly roam outside the hotel. Tourists can still leave the hotel room, but remain in the hotel area.

5. Noisy is prohibited

Respect local residents with no noise nor do they set high volumes on electronics.

6. Turn on limited lighting

Evenings are allowed to turn on the hotel room lights. However, if the hotel room has a balcony, do not turn on the balcony lights. Also, turn on one or two room lights. Make the room's lighting dim or not too bright. Room curtains must also be tightly closed so that no visible light from the outside.

7. Prepare provisions

As long as Nyepi all shops are closed, prepare food stocks, snacks and medicines.

8. If it hurts at Nyepi

Hotel staff immediately report to call the nearest hospital. Later, the hospital ambulance will pick you up. Because, vehicles that are allowed to travel during Nyepi are only ambulances.

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