10 Travel Advice in Yogyakarta Indonesia

Many travelers make Jogja City their favorite vacation destination. Where you can go explore the city, wade through lakes and lakes to enjoy a meal in the morning. You can get these excitements easily when visiting the Jogja tour line. Until now, this Gudeg City has never been disappointing.

Jogja continues to improve to pamper tourists and establish itself as a cultural paradise in the Land of Java. A place where people clearly see maintained traditions. Feeling a taste that is not just spicy, but also has a long and longing story. Here are 10 Jogja tours that you can go to.

1. Malioboro, Jogja Tourism that Should Not Be Left Behind


Maliboro is one area that is so popular in Jogja. This tour has become one of Jogja's icons, both for local and international tourists. The streets around offer a variety of items, ranging from typical Jogja trinkets, accessories, clothes, and even food. One more thing, at night Friends Traveler can watch fun street music attractions.

2. Yogyakarta Palace, Place of Throne and Real Manifestation of Javanese Culture

Another popular destination in Jogja is the Jogja Palace, which offers a variety of silent witnesses to work life in the past. Even today the Jogja Palace has become the residence of the sultan and his family. Because it also functions as a tourist attraction, there are some places that are forbidden to be visited. The location is on Jl. Rotowijayan Blok No. 1, Panembahan, Kraton, Jogjakarta.

3. Taman Sari Tourism, Imagining Princesses

Taman Sari is in Kampung Taman Sari No. 310, Taman, Patehan, Kraton, Jogja. Formerly this location was a bathing place that was closely related to the kingdom of Jogja. So from that, when you come here you will find a large pool and have quite clear water. The buildings around here are also typical of the Kingdom, really can be used as a photo hunting spot. Prepare your OOTD, Friend Traveler.

4. Prambanan Beautiful Dusk

If Magelang has a very popular Borobudur, Jogja has Prambanan Temple. This temple is also famous in Indonesia and has been designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO. The location is in Bokoharjo, Prambanan, Sleman, Jogja. This Jogja tour is indeed very interesting, no wonder many local or foreign tourists who visit when the holiday season comes.

5. Nature Tourism Kalibiru, Looking at Jogja Tourism that Makes Emotion

Kalibiru Tourism Village offers a natural panorama that can make people wonder. The location is on Jl. Sermo Reservoir, Hargowilis Village, Kokap District, Kulonprogo Regency. There are many things that Friend Traveler can do, ranging from relaxing while enjoying the panorama around, posing at the viewing post, and much more. In fact, challenging activities such as flying fox are also provided here.

Closing, It is not wrong for people to say that Jogja is a special city. Indeed the reality is like that. Many tourist destinations that can be juju. If you want to shop for tourism besides Malioboro there are many others, such as Jogja City Mall, Hartono Mall, and many others. Is Jogja also your favorite city?

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