5 of the Best Universities in Indonesia

Education is one of the important things for humans. The tools used to get education are usually schools, but not only from schools we can get education, but from books, videos, internet, experience, and much more. If we live without education, we will not know science.

This time I will discuss about the history of education in Indonesia, and we will start from the time we are not yet independent, yep! In the past before our country Indonesia was independent, we already knew about education! The following information.

Following are 5 Universities in Indonesia :

1. University of Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia Depok Campus Building

 The Dutch Occupation (1849-1946)

In 1849 the Dutch government established an institute of higher education for medicine. In January 1851 the school was officially named Dokter-Djawa School (School for Javanese Doctors). This institute of higher education specialised in medicine, especially for the education of doctors. After undergoing a change of name at the end of the 19th century, or in 1898, the name Dokter-Djawa School was change to School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen (School of Medicine for Indigenous Doctors) or also known as STOVIA . For 75 years STOVIA provided the best education for medical doctor candidates in Indonesia, before it was closed in 1927. However, another School of Medicine was established along with four other institutes of higher education in a number of cities in Java.

Those institutes of higher education were Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (Faculty of Engineering) which was established in Bandung in 1920, Recht Hoogeschool (Faculty of Law) in Batavia in 1924, Faculteit der Letteren en Wijsbegeerte (Faculty of Letters and Humanities) in the Batavia In 1940, and one year after that Faculteit van Landbouwweteschap (Faculty of agriculture) was established in Bogor. These five institutes of higher education became the pillars in developing Nood-universiteit (Emergency University) which was established in 1946.

Independence Era (1947-1960s)

Nood-universiteit changed its name to Universiteit van Indonesië in 1947 and was based in Jakarta. A number of nationalistic professors, one of them Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, continued their roles as teaching staff at Universiteit van Indonesië in Yogyakarta, which at that time was the capital city.

In 1949, the capital city of Indonesia returned to Jakarta after the Dutch acknowledged the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Universiteit van Indonesië also relocated from Yogyakarta to Jakarta.

Universiteit van Indonesië then was merged to become Universiteit Indonesia in 1950. This University had various Faculties namely the faculty of Medicine, Law, Letters, and Philosophy in Jakarta, the Faculty of Engineering in Bandung, the Faculty of Agriculture in Bogor, the Faculty of Dentistry in Surabaya, and the Faculty of Economics in Makassar.

The Faculties located outside of Jakarta developed and became independent universities between 1954-1963. Universitas Indonesia’s campus in Jakarta was on Jl. Salemba, one of the main streets in Central Jakarta, and consisted of a number of faculties such as Medicine, Dentistry, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Letters, Law, Economics, and Engineering.

In its further development other faculties were established, namely, the Faculty of Psychology, the Faculty of Social Science and Politics, the Faculty of Community Health, the Faculty of Computer Sciences and finally the Faculty of Nursing.

Modern Era (1970s-now)

Before the Depok campus of Universitas Indonesia was used in 1987, the university had three different campuses : Salemba, Pegangsaan Timur and Rawamangun. After the new campus built on 320 ha of land in Depok was completed, the Rawamangun campus which had a number faculties was relocated, while the campus in Salemba was retained for the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry and the postgraduate program.

After 2000, Universitas Indonesia became one of the universities with the status of State Owned Legal Entity in Indonesia. This change in status brought about significant changes to the university, i.e. more autonomy in academic development and financial management.

From the historical perspective, Universitas Indonesia has been progressing towards becoming the leader in the field of humanities and culture by balancing academic values, morals and art. Through this, Universitas Indonesia aspires to establish an Indonesian nation of prosperity and democracy, focusing on peace, justice and strong environmental concern.

In the reformation era, the government considered Universitas Indonesia to have adequate management capabilities to be independent, autonomous, and to be given more responsibility in the role of building moral strength to support national development. Based on this, the government stipulated Governmental Regulation (PP) number 152/2000 which established Universitas Indonesia as a State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN). In the period of implementation of Universitas Indonesia as BHMN, the government stipulated a number of important policies such as Law number 20/2003 regarding the National Education System and PP number 19/2005 concerning the National Education Standards which in a number of ways did not fully supported the implementation of Universitas Indonesia as a BHMN.

In the last decade, internal and external dynamics of development surrounding Universitas Indonesia have influenced the ebb and flow of the university. Among others is the ratification of UU number 12/2012 concerning Higher Education which determined the legal status of Universitas Indonesia. According to that Law, BHMN Institutes of Higher Education and BHMN Institutes of Higher Education which became Institutes of Higher Education operated by the government with the financial pattern of Public Service, was stipulated as Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH). The implementation of this Law, especially Article 66 paragraph (2) lead to the stipulation of PP number 68/2013 concerning Statuta Universitas Indonesia.

Currently Universitas Indonesia has 13 Faculties, Postgraduate Programs and Vocational Programs. The 13 Faculties are the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmaceutical, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Engineering, Psychology, Social Sciences and Politics, Law, Economy, Public Health, Humanities, and Computer Sciences. There are 291 programs of study currently available with 47,166 students, among which 309 are international students, enrolled in degree and non-degree programs.

2.  Trisakti University Jakarta

Trisakti University Campus Building Jakarta

Trisakti University, is the only private tertiary institution in Indonesia which was established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on November 29, 1965 through Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) Decree Number 014 / dar 1965 signed by Dr. Sjarif Thajeb. November 29 is then set as the birthday of Trisakti University.

The birth process of Trisakti University began with the destruction of Respublika University by the period in 1965 because it was considered to be involved in the Indonesian Communist Party movement in September 1965 from the ruins of Respublika that was built by Trisakti University.

The name Trisakti University was given by Dr. Ir. Sukarno, President of the Republic of Indonesia at that time. The meaning of Trisakti is taken from Dr. Ir. Sukarno, namely sovereign in politics, self-reliant in the economic field and personality in culture. This foundation became a milestone in the efforts of Trisakti University to participate in educating the nation's children in various aspects, such as intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social sensitivity towards others, spurring wisdom and justice.

In the beginning, Trisakti University was established to have five faculties, namely the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Engineering which had 4 (four) departments namely the Department of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Architecture.

Currently, in its journey, Trisakti University has 9 (nine) faculties namely the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, the Faculty of Industrial Technology, the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology, the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Engineering Environment, and the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, with 23 (twenty three) Bachelor Programs and 5 (five) Diploma III Programs. In addition there are Postgraduate Programs which have 8 (eight) Masters Programs and 2 (two) Doctoral Programs.

In its journey up to now the University of Trisakti experienced a variety of events, one of which is very monumental is the Tragedy of May 12, 1998 which has resulted in the death of 4 (four) Trisakti University students. The death of the four students has triggered the movement of Indonesian students in overthrowing the New Order and is seen as the beginning of the revival of the Indonesian Reformation Era. This event is considered very Monumental because with that event, it has brought down the New Order government which has held power in this country for more than 32 years.

Since then Trisakti University has been known as the Reform Heroes Campus and is determined to continue to stand at the front to always fly the banner of reform with the idealism of Kadeham (Nationality, Democracy and Human Rights).

After 7 (seven) years the event had passed, finally in 2005 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono awarded the Bintang Jasa Pratama award, with Presidential Decree No. 057 / TK / 2005 dated August 9, 2005. The underlying reason for the award was given, because the four students who died had served as Reform Fighters and had pushed for reform to enable a fundamental change in Indonesian state administration towards a democratic life.

The Chancellors who have developed and raised Trisakti University are:

* 1965 - 1972 Drs. MA Siswadji (Presidium)
* 1972 - 1976 Drs. MA Siswadji
* 1976 - 1980 Ir. Poedjono Hardjoprakoso
* 1980 - 1988 Prof. Dr. Ir. P. Haryasudirja
* 1988 - 1990 Ir. Hartono Kadri
* 1990 - 1994 H. Mulyatno Sindhudarmoko, SE
* 1994 - 1998 Prof. Dr. R. Moedanton Moertedjo
* 1998 - 2016 Prof. Dr. Thoby Mutis
* 2016 - now Prof. Dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, MSc, PhD

3. Gadjah Mada University Special Region of Yogyakarta

Picture of Gadjah Mada University Building, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Gadjah Mada University was born from the scene of the struggle for the Indonesian independence revolution. Founded in the early independence period, UGM was asked as the National Center for Science and Culture for the implementation of national higher education.

Standing under the name "Gadjah Mada State University", this college is a combination of several high schools that have already been established, including the Gadjah Mada College Institute, Technical College, and the Academy of Political Sciences located in Yogyakarta, the Legal Expert Education Center in Solo, as well as the Preclinical Medical College in Klaten, which was approved by Government Regulation No. 23 of 1949 concerning Rules for Merging Universities into Universities.

Even though the Government Regulation which became the foundation of UGM was dated December 16, 1949, December 19 became the date to be celebrated as UGM's birthday because it was closely related to historical events for the Indonesian Nation.

The name Gadjah Mada also has its own meaning, containing the spirit and example of Mahapatih Gadjah Mada who managed to unite the archipelago. This example was translated into the formulation of UGM's identity as a national university, a university of struggle, a Pancasila university, a populist university and a cultural center university,
At the beginning of its establishment, UGM had 6 faculties, namely the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The lecture activities at that time were carried out in Sitinggil and Pagelaran, by utilizing the rooms and facilities in the Sultan's Palace.

Only in 1951 did the physical construction of the Bulaksumur campus begin, and entering the 1960s UGM already had various facilities such as hospitals, radio transmitters, and other facilities that support the learning process for students as well as to serve the interests of the community. Now, UGM has 18 Faculties, one Postgraduate School, and one Vocational School with dozens of study programs.

4. Bandung Institute of Technology University

Bandung Institute of Technology University

ITB as a "Research & Development University":
    Academic Excellence for Education
    Academic Excellence for Industrial Relevance
    Academic Excellence for Contribution of the New Knowledge
    Academic Excellence for Empowerment
ITB - BHMN (State-Owned Legal Entity) December 26, 2000 Establishment of ITB - BHMN Transformation of ITB-BHMN 2002-2005
    Awareness & Interest
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
    March 2, 1959, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) was inaugurated by Ir. Soekarno (First President of Indonesia)
    1959, ITB's First Chancellor is appointed
    1973, First Preparatory Phase is opened
    1979, First Postgraduate Program
University of Indonesia
    Faculty of Engineering
    Faculty of Natural Sciences and Natural Sciences
Universiteit Van Indonesie
    June 21, 1946, was founded by NICA
    1946, Faculteit van Technische Wetenschap stands
    October 6, 1947, Faculteit van Exacte Wetenschap stood
Technical College (STT)
    1945, STT Bandung is opened
    1946, moved to Yogyakarta as STT Bandung in Jogja
    1946, STT Bandung became Univ. Gajah Mada (UGM)
Bandung Kogyo Daigaku (BKD)
    April 1, 1944, TH was reopened as BKD by the Japanese government
Technische Hogeschool (TH)
    July 3, 1920, TH is inaugurated by the Dutch government
    July 1, 1924, TH Bandung's first graduate
    July 3, 1926, the first Luluasan Indonesian Engineer (one of them was Ir. Soekarno, First Indonesian President).

5. Airlangga University

Airlangga University

The establishment of Airlangga University in 1954, hereinafter abbreviated as UNAIR, cannot be separated from the long journey of higher education in Indonesia. The forerunner of this tertiary institution in Indonesia was "Dokter Djawa School" (Javanese Medical School), founded in Batavia in 1851.

In the course of history, the institution was reorganized into School Tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen (STOVIA) in 1902. Eleven years later, based on the Government Decree "Besluit van de Gouverneur van Netherlandsch Indie" Number 4211 dated May 8, 1913, a Medical School was established in Surabaya

named Netherlandsch Indische Artsen School (NIAS). Located on Jl. Kedungdoro 38 Surabaya. NIAS was inaugurated on July 1, 1913, while education began on July 15, 1913. In 1928 even

established the Tot Opleiding van Indische Tandartsen School (STOVIT) as a school for dentistry.

During the Japanese colonial period, both STOVIA in Jakarta and NIAS in Surabaya were closed in 1942, then merged into "Ika Dai Gaku". After the end of Japanese rule in 1945, the Indonesian government took over and changed its name to the Indonesian Medical College. However, during the Dutch aggression the university was closed, and in 1948 it was replaced by Faculteit der Geneeskunde Surabaya Branch as a branch of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Indonesia.

It was only then based on the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation No. 57 of 1954 concerning the Establishment of Airlangga University as of November 1, 1954, the Faculty of Medicine and the Institute of Dentistry in Surabaya were separated from the "parent" namely the Indonesian University. On November 10, 1954 Indonesian President Dr. Ir. Soekarno inaugurated the establishment of Airlangga University as the third State University (PTN) in Indonesia after the University of Indonesia and Gadjah Mada University.

At the time of its establishment, Universitas Airlangga as a pioneer PTN in Eastern Indonesia consisted of five faculties, namely the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Law domiciled in Surabaya (FH UGM Branch), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education located in Malang, and the Faculty of Literature domiciled in Denpasar-Bali. Of the five founding faculties of UNAIR, two faculties existed before World War I, namely the Faculty of Medicine originating from NIAS in 1913 and the Faculty of Dentistry originating from STOVIT in 1928.

Giving the name Airlangga, because Airlangga which means "The Preserver" was a king who was very famous in the XI Century. The wise and wise king, capable and able to unite the regions in Eastern Indonesia.

In the course of time, the Teaching and Education Faculty in Malang developed as an embryo of the founding of the Malang Teaching and Education Institute (IKIP) and is now the State University of Malang (UM). While the Faculty

Literature in Denpasar then broke away from Airlangga University and became part of the history of the establishment of Udayana University.

Airlangga University continues to grow by adding new faculties, namely the Faculty of Economics (1961) from the Surabaya School of Economics. Now it has changed to become the Faculty of Economics and Business. Faculty of Pharmacy (1964), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (1972), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (1977), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (1982) is currently the Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Postgraduate (1982) then changed its name to Program Postgraduate and is currently a Postgraduate School. Non-Health Faculty (1984), but was later abolished and integrated into the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, and the Faculty of Public Health, established in 1993.

Faculty of Psychology (1993), Faculty of Literature (1998) which since 2008 has changed to become the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. The establishment of the Faculty of Nursing (2008) as a development of the Nursing Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, and the Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (2008) as the development of the Fisheries Cultivation Study Program at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The Vocational Faculty was established in 2014. Previously, various vocational study programs (diplomas) were carried out under the coordination of other faculties.

Airlangga University obtained the status of State Universities (PTN) in a State-Owned Legal Entity (BHMN) based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 30 of 2006 concerning the Establishment of Airlangga University as a State-Owned Legal Entity (BHMN). Then based on Law on Higher Education Number 12 of 2012, Airlangga University is among the seven PTN-BHMN that are entitled to hold the statute as a Legal Entity PTN (PTN-BH). Furthermore, the statute of the Airlangga University itself has been down according to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2014 concerning the Statute of Airlangga University.

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